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Nexus 718 | Info/FAQ

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Oct 22, 2024
Reaction score
This thread will be for information and FAQ about the server. It will grow over time.

1. What is this?
Nexus is a Runescape Private Server running on revision 718, but loading data files from both OSRS (317) and RS3 (800+). It is based on the public release of "Harmony 718" but is continuously being changed and improved.

2. Are there staff positions open?
Yes and no. We do not accept staff applications based on past experience. All positions must be earned in-game by playing it and supporting others.

3. Do we accept donations?
No, there are no current plans to accept donations. We do not want to provide any unfair ways to win simply by paying us. It is not fair to players who cannot afford to donate. If we ever do decide to take donations, it will be in the form of cosmetic things like discord roles or ;;yell titles, etc.

4. Is there a reward for voting?
No, this follows the same theme as #3, not everyone has the time or desire to vote every day. We don't want to ask anything of you, so voting is purely YOUR choice. If you do not wish to or do not think we deserve it, simply don't do it. We won't be offended. As such, there is no reward for voting, because we don't want to provide any bias to your decision.

5. "What is the best way to?..."
Just explore! It's what the game is about after all. You will join a "help" friends chat when you log in, you can also [Log in or register to see link] and ask us directly!
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